south africa culture 在 Wet Sand Podcast #4 - Kenna Lee 肯納 (English) 的影片資訊
Kenna Lee is a South African-Taiwanese TV show host, model, entertainer and entrepreneur in Taiwan. ...
Kenna Lee is a South African-Taiwanese TV show host, model, entertainer and entrepreneur in Taiwan. ...
How an African American Trucker changed my life... To watch the full livestream:
Sign up to Babbel today to get 50% off 6 months for a limited time only: To...
After the New Coronavirus made it to the global news a lot of my Chinese and Asian friends from all ...
Why is the Tiananmen square massacre like Apartheid? Stay Awesome China (my new documentary): http...
My African friends are very unhappy, come and find out why... Stay Awesome China (my new documentar...
Why are Chinese mothers paying big money to give birth outside of China? Article about the Canadian...
For real, what is it about China that keeps me here? Stay Awesome China (my new documentary): https...
我們常說香港是個國際城市, 其實很多人口中的「國際化」都只向歐美文化傾斜, 對於列強以外的文化似乎不太感興趣。 在港居住的非洲裔大約有三千人, 是比南亞族裔更少數的一群。 非洲文化從不是主流媒體的寵...
My son left Taiwan in 2017 to attend elementary school in South Africa.. Why did I choose for this h...