special offer for you 在 超值得的四位數在臉部護理!/做完後臉直接水潤光滑~ SUCH A GOOD DEALS ! 5 stars facial treatment with incredible rates! 的影片資訊
這是我第一次Vlog 我在影片里是全素颜的 因为美容师叫我不要化妆去 所以我就全素颜跟你们分享啦~ 在好多雙眼睛的狀況下完成了這個影片~(其實我很尷尬) 好開心這一次可以參與 SUNWAY VELOC...
這是我第一次Vlog 我在影片里是全素颜的 因为美容师叫我不要化妆去 所以我就全素颜跟你们分享啦~ 在好多雙眼睛的狀況下完成了這個影片~(其實我很尷尬) 好開心這一次可以參與 SUNWAY VELOC...
2020 IS CRAZY BUT "KEEP ON" So far 2020 has been a difficult year but I want us to keep pushing for...
慶祝破20萬訂閱! 我做了肉桂捲送給粉絲! 謝謝大家❤ | 200k Subscriber special! Making Cinnamon buns for my Fans! 跟J的阿嬤一起做肉桂...
Call Of Duty Warzone Contract Scavenger ( battle royal The scavenger contracts will point you to a s...
She has a day to find all the clues and get the surprise at the end! What a crazy video! Our longest...
I had such a fun time in New York! A special thank you to Yuyan and Maika for hanging out with me wh...
When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I was worried that I had to miss out on social even...
From Humble Beginnings To Now Having 2+ Million Subscribers! Dan Wants To Offer You The Chance To Di...
Hello guys! it's finally here We're so excited to share with you guys our Anni-Getaway in Noku Mald...