tung fong 在 Kiri T - Temporary [Official Music Video] 的影片資訊
This song goes out to those who are in a budding romance while feeling unsure about the person. //M...
This song goes out to those who are in a budding romance while feeling unsure about the person. //M...
Dear All, I am more than happy to announce that our team is launching an exciting campaign with lots...
Dear All, I am more than happy to announce that our team is launching an exciting campaign with lots...
Recording Studio:WH Entertainment Photo : 俊雄 Cantonese song相依为命~ 旁人在 淡出终于只有你共我一起 Pong yan joi taam ...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal...
加入我的私人通訊群組 Join my private message group: http://bit.ly/2skoNaf 最讓我失望的 不是那些過眼雲煙的人事物 卻是我最在意的你 Jul...
《噩夢》 關了燈 躲在被窩 躺在床上 數著一二三 小綿羊 帶我到遠方 我不會害怕 突然 天色陰暗 大雨傾盆 兵荒馬亂 還未到達的樂園 歡快的笑容 渺無音訊 我很想醒來 卻一直醒著 渴望温...
萬聖節是Leica鏡頭發揮它威力的時候 每逢10月31日是一年一度的萬聖節,這個日子最適合Leica鏡頭發揮它的威力,在低光的環境大光圈鏡頭能夠有優異的色彩還原,加上強烈的立體感,令現場氣氛表露無遺。...
〔用安價做動畫|黑啤想當YouTuBear?〕 『算命算到被吸入時空之門🌀?』『被法老王追殺?』『算命師其實是...』欸欸欸編劇到底在寫什摸啦🤬! ...等等,這個不知道該怎麼寫說明的劇本,其實是與1...
**中獎就是如此簡單!你今天中了沒? ** ♡Hana FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/hanahanahanatam ♡Hana INSTAGRAM : HAN...