world culture 在 a ghibli like vlog (a journey into young adulthood) 的影片資訊
i’ve been on a ghibli marathon lately so i decided to do a little vlog aesthetically inspired by the...
i’ve been on a ghibli marathon lately so i decided to do a little vlog aesthetically inspired by the...
※巴哈姆特電玩瘋因疫情升溫,近期將暫停主持人錄影,也請各位玩家盡量待在家防疫喔!※ 00:00 本週手機遊戲新聞 00:53《Legends of Kingdom Rush》 Apple Arca...
อ้างอิง - Bendix, A. (2019, June 17). Chernobyl was the world’s worst nuclear-power-plant accident....
Taishan Nuclear Plant, the world's first and only functioning set of EPR reactors is leaking radioac...
訪問在 #UncleRay 的家進行,這間住了逾五十年的屋,可以說是音樂寶藏,家中那一大幅白牆全掛了樂隊 #TheBeatles 照片,大廳有三組大木櫃收藏了二萬張唱片,Uncle Ray更分門別類,...
加入港台四年,#UncleRay 獲得一次難得機會,到 #英國倫敦廣播電台 #BBC 受訓三個月,那時他已有十五年DJ經驗,對受訓內容感覺是小兒科。受訓完後有兩星期假期,他帶了一封由香港 #EMI(#...
五十年代,在 #麗的呼聲 成名後,他主持過很多不同節目,其中節目《Rumpus Time》有樂隊和歌手表演外,還有遊戲環節讓觀眾參與,捧紅了The Fabulous Echoes、還有駐場歌手 #方逸...
爸爸在 #Uncle Ray 兒時另結新歡,父母離異,他跟隨爸爸生活,「爸爸很多年前在匯豐銀行任高層,打仗後,我和爸爸由澳門返港時,全部公司開始復甦開門,我跑步去 #赤柱監獄,剛巧監獄聘請人手,於是做...
In just the past 3 weeks, China has seen a huge surge in public knife attacks, often targeting child...
Beautiful, headstrong and part of the Chinese government! These pretty propagandists are lying to yo...