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數據來源:social bakers
統計時間:2021/7/26 到2021/8/26
bakers中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Books / 書訊] 《頂尖糕點HAUTE PÂTISSERIE》繁體中文版上市 / "Haute Pâtisserie" by Relais Desserts published in Traditional Chinese version (for English, please click "see more")
前陣子收到 大境文化&出版菊文化(生活美食地圖) 編輯們捎來的新消息,她們又再度完成一個艱鉅的任務,把這本《頂尖糕點HAUTE PÂTISSERIE》帶給台灣讀者。這本書由「Relais Dessert」法國甜點協會領軍,集結了來自世界各地、#創造法式甜點潮流的80位主廚的100個精彩作品,內容包含基礎技巧、細緻甜點食譜、大師速寫等,是 #一本讓你打包領走當代法式甜點界大師傑作的武功祕笈!
雖然在台灣的知名度有限,但1981年成立的「Relais Desserts」法國甜點協會,其實宛如甜點界的名門大派,聚集了來自世界各地約20個國家的頂尖法式甜點與巧克力主廚,成員名單一攤開來,不是大師等級,就是擁有MOF(法國最佳工藝職人)頭銜、或是世界大賽冠亞軍得主,如 Pierre Hermé Paris、 Sadaharu Aoki Paris (Officiel)、 Jean-Paul Hévin、 Arnaud Larher patisserie chocolaterie、 Laurent Duchêne Paris、 Frédéric Cassel Fontainebleau、寺井則彥(Pâtisserie Aigre Douce)、金子美明(Pâtisserie Paris S'eveille)、川村英樹(Pâtisserie À Tes Souhaits)等。
Relais Desserts 以分享、守護與傳承法式甜點技藝為宗旨,入會資格嚴格,不能只有作品出名,還需經營自己的店舖三年以上並得到兩名會員推薦、再經兩名委員到店審查通過。每年春秋兩季的研討會,其實更像工作坊與密集訓練營,需要會員及家屬全身心地參與。例如春季國際大會輪流在會員所在地舉辦,主理人須招待其他成員,安排參訪進修課程、並向大眾宣傳分享的活動。可以想像能夠入會並持續擔任會員,不僅是一種榮耀、也是責任。
這樣的協會推出的食譜書,陣容當然也是星光熠熠、食譜全是一時之選。100 個原創作品後面是接近 80 位知名主廚,範圍包括大型蛋糕、塔派、單人甜點、迷你糕點與小點心。還有一般食譜書罕見的「速寫主廚肖像」單元,介紹他們的創作理念與發展軌跡,讓讀者能夠一窺大師心法秘訣。從簡單到進階,無論是家庭烘焙愛好者還是專業甜點師都值得收藏。
🎉🎉🎉 最後要跟大家說,幾個小時之後(12/27 凌晨 0:00),這本書將可以開始 #7折預購!1/8 正式出版後會立刻將熱騰騰的新書寄給大家。以下是購書連結👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
★博客來→ https://reurl.cc/D1Ekne
★誠品→ https://reurl.cc/72mQ2y
★大境文化→ https://reurl.cc/M7VkD4
另外 #附上十數張精美內容預覽,大家別忘了點開欣賞!
🔖 Relais Dessert 與本書介紹影片:
Haute Pâtisserie, the great book of Relais Desserts is publishing its Traditional Chinese version in Taiwan! Covering 100 recipes of 80 best pastry chefs from all over the world, this book is a must-have for all pastry enthusiasts.
Founded in 1981, Relais Desserts is an association aiming to share and pass down the spirit of pursuing excellence in French haute pâtisserie (high pastry) field. It groups master chefs, world champions and top artisans such as Pierre Hermé, Sadaharu Aoki, Jean-Paul Hévin, Arnaud Larher, Laurent Duchêne, Frédéric Cassel, Norihiko Terai, Yoshiaki Kaneko, and Hideki Kawamura, to name a few. To become a member, one has to pass a serious selection process. Two extremely well-organised annual seminars not only facilitate exchanges and mutual learning among members, but also aspire better and more creative work and promote the industry as a whole.
The recipe book is thus a nutshell of the excellent work of the association. Readers are invited to discover the fascinating universe of French high pastry. Master skills, fascinating recipes, and chef portraits are all included. Both home bakers and professional pastry chefs would find in it valuable guidances and inspirations.
Where to get a copy?
★Books.com.tw → https://reurl.cc/D1Ekne
★Elite Bookstore → https://reurl.cc/72mQ2y
★大境文化→ https://reurl.cc/M7VkD4
Watch introduction videos here:
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[News / 甜點新聞] Cedric Grolet 主廚的第二本食譜書即將上市‼️ / Cédric Grolet to publish his second recipe book (for English, please click “see more”)
Cédric Grolet 主廚的第二本食譜書《OPÉRA》來了!法文版即將於 11 月 7 日上市!這本食譜書不但揭開了 Cédric 主廚甜點師生涯的另一章,也揭露了 Cédric Grolet Opéra #販售商品的製作方法。
Cédric 主廚在序言中提到,如果說他的第一本書「《FRUITS》展現了極度現代的技巧、是代表未來的甜點,那《OPÉRA》就是 #返璞歸真,#代表過去與現代的甜點」。新書與新店製作的商品,將他從多年在宮殿級酒店 Le Meurice 的工作方法與內容中解放出來,他能夠在另外一個象限創作,進而 #創造一個新的領域。
與第一本食譜書《FRUITS》相較,本書中的食譜 #更加適合一般甜點愛好者在家製作。符合目前甜點界最新的「#自然無添加」、「#回歸本質」、「#減糖」的潮流,Cédric 主廚強調他「#盡其所能地刪減掉繁雜的製作步驟」,希望「#更接近食材的天然質地、#鮮度與味道」,讓人能夠「#立即享受美味」。
雖然食譜簡化,但 Cédric 主廚與團隊並未因此減少分毫努力,仍盡力呈現每一個作品最完美的一面。不管是新書與新店,都是希望能更貼近一般大眾的誠意之作。
本書由 Ducasse Edition 出版,目前已經可以在 Amazon.fr 上預購,11 月 7 日上市之後,Amazon 將會立刻將書寄出:https://tinyurl.com/y29894u7
圖片來源: Fou de Pâtisserie, Amazon.fr, Ducasse Editions
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Cédric Grolet 主廚深度專訪:https://tinyurl.com/y55zyq4a
返璞歸真、注重本質的旗手 Yann Couvreur 主廚深度專訪:https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy
Cédric Grolet, the world’s best pastry chef is publishing his second recipe book “OPÉRA” on 7th November! This book unveils recipes of pastries that are going to be offered in his new shop Cédric Grolet Opéra and turns a new page of the chef’s career.
The chef mentioned in the forewords that “FRUITS (his first book, ed.) illustrates a resolutely modern technique and pastries of future, “OPÉRA” rather demonstrates pastries of the past and present time that take a step back to the essentials.” The products offered in his new shop and featured in this book actually liberate him from what he’s been doing at Le Meurice for many years. He’s now able to "work on another axis and create a different universe”.
Compared with “FRUITS”, recipes in “OPÉRA” are more accessible for home bakers. No colorants and additives are added, more natural, they echo with the latest trends in pastry industry. Cédric emphasizes that he “eliminates to the maximum extent the steps in terms of method” and make it “as close as possible to the original texture, freshness, and flavours of the ingredients.” By making those pastries and desserts a lot easier and quicker to realize at home, they can be tasted “in an instant”.
Though these recipes are a lot friendlier to the general public and are easier to follow, the chef and his team never stop doing their best. This book and the new shop can be seen as efforts to
“OPÉRA” is published by Ducasse Edition and can now be pre-ordered on Amazon.fr. The book will be shipped right away after it’s officially out on 7th November.
(Photo credit: Fou de Pâtisserie, Amazon.fr, Ducasse Editions)
🔖 Read more on related topics
Interview with Cédric Grolet: https://tinyurl.com/y55zyq4a
Editor’s words on FRUITS traditional Chinese version: https://tinyurl.com/y2gtpb8a
"Getting back to the essentials”, a keyword to the latest trends in French pastry industry: https://tinyurl.com/yxb5fe6z
Interview with Yann Couvreur, leading actor in the “getting back to the essentials” movement of the industry: https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy
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