😲😲 『德國「血栓形成與止血學會」(Society for Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research)19日審查了格雷納切爾的研究,並建議醫師應使用抗凝血劑與免疫球蛋白,治療施打疫苗後出現的血栓。學會副主席克拉姆羅斯(Robert Klamroth)指出,學會認為,#目前最有可能的假說,#是這款疫苗導致罕見的自體免疫反應,#進而觸發抗體與血小板相互作用。#挪威與德國的調查結果都尚未經過同儕評審,德國小組的格雷納切爾教授表示,他近幾日會將結果投稿至英國醫學期刊《刺胳針》(The Lancet)。挪威衛生當局引述團隊的發現,決定暫時不繼續施打AZ疫苗;德國政府則堅持恢復使用AZ疫苗的決定。』
[新聞] AZ疫苗疑引發血栓 挪威、德國研究找到原因了 https://disp.cc/b/163-dkYS
#武漢肺炎 #新冠肺炎 #COVID19 #COVID2019
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅大飽礁水世界,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這次縈縈要先來挑戰世界最辣,辣度破表的死神辣椒!!再來要尋找讓女明星保持年輕美麗的聖品,外型奇特來自葉門的索科特拉島上,好像外星球來的奇特植物,,不僅有美容的功效,提煉出來的龍血,還有神奇的止血醫療效果,更是可治百病的珍貴的藥材喔~一起來探索這神期的外星樹吧!! Challenge to eat t...
hemostasis 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
柿子 — 性寒,有清熱、潤肺、止渴的功效,適合痔瘡出血、大便乾結、高血壓人士食用。但由於性寒,脾胃虛寒、腹瀉便溏者勿吃;女子月經期間不宜食用。
柿餅 — 性寒,有潤肺、澀腸、止血功效,適合各種出血情況食用,例如痰中帶血、小便出血、痔瘡便血等。表面的柿霜有清熱、潤燥及化痰作用。
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Persimmon can clear heat and moisten the lungs in autumn
Persimmon is in season during the fall, from the perspective of Chinese Medicine, persimmon is cold in nature, can clear heat, moisten the lungs and quench one’s thirst; is suitable for individuals who experienced discomfort related to dryness.
Persimmon has many different varietals; some have smoother skin and are red in color; some are rather greyish, why is that so? Those covered in a greyish coat are fruits that contain Tannin and have a pucker taste, therefore the harvested fruits should be immersed in limewater, to bring out the sweet taste and fragrance from within.
Dried persimmon on the other hand has a white powdery coating, called ‘shi shuang’ in Mandarin. It is formed through the crystallization of glucose, which oozed out of the fruit itself. Chinese Medicine opines that the powdery coating can clear heat and phlegm, and relieve dryness, cough related to dry lungs and sore throat. Persimmon is cold in nature, and should not be eaten with food that are also cold in nature, such as crab.
Persimmon – cold in nature, can clear heat, moisten the lungs and quench one’s thirst; suitable for individuals with hemorrhoids bleeding, dry stools and hypertension. Individuals will weak spleen and stomach, as well as those with diarrhea problem should avoid, as it is cold in nature; women during period should not consume persimmon as well.
Dried persimmon – cold in nature, can moisten the lungs, improve diarrhea condition and promote hemostasis in conditions such as blood-streaked phlegm and urine, as well as hemorrhoids and blood in stools. The white powdery coating can also clear heat and phlegm, and moisten dryness.
hemostasis 在 劉崇顯 科技思維x在地青年 Facebook 的精選貼文
我的碩士學位畢業於清大動力機械所,主要研究領域為應用於生醫晶片的「微流體MEMS系統」與應用於外科手術的「電磁熱療系統」,因此在學期間也投稿 #兩篇論文至國際期刊,分別是「A micropump using amplified deformation of resilient membranes through oil hydraulics」與「Hemostasis Plug for an Electromagnetic Thermotherapy and Its Application for Liver Laceration」,各別刊登於「Microfluidics and Nanofluidics」與「Annals of biomedical engineering」等國際期刊。
第一篇論文的概要內容是將 #油壓系統整合至生醫晶片 中,可以有效降低晶片運作動力來源的空氣幫浦之操作氣壓,進而得以使用更小型的空氣幫浦來進一步 #縮小晶片操作系統 的整體尺寸,當初面臨到油不易封裝在晶片中的問題,讓實驗進度卡關許久的瓶頸歷歷在目;第二篇論文則是利用電磁生熱的原理,加熱不鏽鋼手術器械並在肝臟手術中達成止血的效果,為了研究出理想的器械型式與止血療程,為此進行過數次的動物實驗更是讓心裡承受著許多壓力,到如今相關研究成果順利 #應用於寵物的外科手術 治療中,讓更多毛小孩的生命獲得救治後才得以將心中的大石頭放下。
而回到學術倫理的議題,#論文抄襲 是其中最不得原諒的行為之一,每一篇真材實料的論文都是作者辛苦收集實驗數據,整理成可用的論述後還要字字斟酌成學術文體,若要投稿期刊還需與編輯委員來回多次的修改,這些心血只有致力於其中的作者才能完全體會,因此不會有任何一位學者能夠大大方方地接受自己的學術成果可以輕易被抄襲,當初我的論文在編寫與修改過程中,也不斷地用論文檢測軟體一字一句的比對他人著作,就是為了要避免自己有意或無意 #踐踏別人的努力成果。
① C. H. Liu, G. B. Lee, "A micropump using amplified deformation of resilient membranes through oil hydraulics," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, August 2013
② C. H. Liu, S. C. Huang, Y. J. Chao, X. Z. Lin, G. B. Lee, "Hemostasis Plug for an Electromagnetic Thermotherapy and Its Application for Liver Laceration," Annals of biomedical engineering, July 2015
③ 碩士論文:劉崇顯,「止血栓整合至電磁熱療系統於外科肝臟破裂治療手術之應用」,指導教授:李國賓、林錫璋,國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 (同②)
④ 學術應用:詳見「台灣恩寧寵物腫瘤集合式消融療程 」FB專頁
hemostasis 在 大飽礁水世界 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Challenge to eat the hottest peppers and trees with magical hemostasis.
店家資訊: 礁溪辣椒文創館
營業:星期一~星期日 10:00- 22:00
hemostasis 在 Physiology, Hemostasis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf 的相關結果
Definition. Hemostasis is the mechanism that leads to cessation of bleeding from a blood vessel. It is a process that involves multiple ... ... <看更多>
hemostasis 在 Overview of hemostasis - UpToDate 的相關結果
Hemostasis is the process of blood clot formation at the site of vessel injury. When a blood vessel wall is disrupted, the hemostatic ... ... <看更多>
hemostasis 在 Hemostasis - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Hemostasis or haemostasis is a process to prevent and stop bleeding, meaning to keep blood within a damaged blood vessel It is the first stage of wound ... ... <看更多>