【基礎力量 vs 專項力量,哪個重要?】
Exercise selection has become a hot-button issue in recent years. Sport-specific training and exercises intended to carry over more specifically to a particular sport have grown in popularity.
As an example, we know of a well-intentioned swim coach’s prescribed dry-land training that utilized about six exercises, all designed to mimic particular swimming strokes and all of them directed at the arms and shoulders. The program had no lower-body work and no total-body movements. After four of this coach’s underperforming athletes went through a six-week training cycle of whole-body barbell training, they all set personal records in their respective events and one became a state champion and Division I scholarship athlete.
This is an extreme case, yet it is becoming more the norm than the exception for misguided coaches to try to simulate a sport in the weightroom with poor results in athletic performance.
我認為作者的意思並不是認為專項力量不重要,而是基礎力量要先建立好,再來練專項力量才會有效果……作者在書中提到80%/20% 原則,它又稱為帕列托法則(Pareto’s Principle)。簡單說是20%的動作可以帶來80%的效果,所以在力量訓練初期,動作選擇不要太複雜,我在討論區裡有把作者所選的20%關鍵訓練動作整理翻譯出來,有興趣的人可以參考:https://www.runningquotient.com/group-forum/topic?tid=1221
註:"System"這本書的全名是:"The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach",它是由三位美國教練所寫的訓練書,我個人非常喜歡,比最早從蘇聯引進週期訓練的圖德.邦帕博士(Dr. Tudor Bompa)所寫的《運動員的週期化肌力訓練》(Periodization Training for Sports)更具實用性。簡單來講,《The System》的理論與訓練法之間的鏈結更強、更緊密,較容易落實到訓練現場。這本書的教練們去俄國學了多年的週期化訓練,並結合了數十年的執教經驗之後,整理成這本著作。
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