就。很。Green 😎
2021 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL has come to an end on Sep 12. The curators of the Earth Tour: Taste Your Soil from the Garden Taipei/Formosa: Huang Hsin-Chien, Andre Chiang and Billy Chang have been invited to be on the official program called “Highlight Channel” to talk about their ideas of the exhibitions.
Chang shares his thought behind the shocking scene in which he actually tastes the soil. Chef Chiang also shares his inspiration of combining soil with dishes. Click the video now to watch more exciting parts of the interview!
今年的奧地利林茲電子藝術節已在12日落幕囉,福爾摩沙/台北花園:島嶼壯遊的展區【食壤計畫】策展人黃心健、江振誠以及張逸軍接受奧地利官方邀請參與節目hightlight channel,暢談食壤計畫展區的策展想法,張逸軍分享預告片中震懾大家目光的的一幕——吃土壤的心得,以及主廚江振誠對於食壤計畫結合菜餚的發想,更多精彩內容直接進到影片觀賞!
⏯ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2FMtTr9YeY&t=5111s
【食壤計畫】(Earth Tour: Taste your soil )展區介紹
One of the co-curators of this year’s “Earth Tour: Taste your soil” from the Garden Taipei/ Formosa is Billy Chang, a world-famous Taiwanese dancer. He personally went to three locations in Yangmingshan, such as Qingtiangang, Zhuzihu, and Xiaoyoukeng, to have first-hand experiences feeling and interacting with the soil. “Soil” is the mixture of minerals and decompositions of dead beings. It is both the start and end of life. All the life forms, from generation to generation, are all carved onto the ground like the annual rings of trees. In the end, Billy Chang tastes the soil in person, using his own body and senses to taste the unique flavor of our land in the most direct way. We are what we eat!
今年度「福爾摩沙/台北花園:島嶼壯遊」的「食壤計畫」展區由國際知名舞蹈家張逸軍擔任共同策展人,親身前往台北陽明山擎天崗、竹子湖與小油坑等三處,真切地與大地土壤互動。 “土壤” 即為所有生物死後分解、與礦物混合後的物質。它既是生命的終點,也是孕育生命的起點。土也是所有歷史的沉積層,從古至今,物質一代一代地,如同年輪般蝕刻於土地之上。最終,張逸軍親身品嚐的土壤,用自己的肉身,以最直接的方式感受屬於在地獨特的風土味道。We are what we eat!
🔗台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊 專區 http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/
#arselectronica21 #gardentaipeiformosa
「taipei exhibitions」的推薦目錄:
taipei exhibitions 在 InnoVEX Facebook 的精選貼文
【InnoVEX 2021獨家報導: 打造防疫下的數位新常態】📣
疫情為全球帶來顯著改變已是事實,世界各國也遵循WHO發布的新指標:配戴口罩、疫苗施打及定期消毒等打造新生活規範。☝針對打造新常態,許多新創團隊也研發解決方案,如協助公司行號監測員工身體狀況的Fort Health Data,開發可清洗及重複使用醫療級口罩的Airllo,與透過AI及線上平台實現遠距醫療的La Vida Tec等,快來看看新創能量如何推動全球數位新常態!🌏⚡
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taipei exhibitions 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最佳解答
2021 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL Garden Taipei/ Formosa
2021 奧地利林茲電子藝術節台灣展區「台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊」
展區 ✨ 【動畫之旅 】(Animated Tour )
預告片來囉 ✨ https://youtu.be/6SSXdiKl2oM
Imagination is a superpower. When imaging ourselves in the world of animation, every one of us has become a superhero. In the Animated Tour, viewers can devote themselves to the characters via different programs, abstract or figurative in terms of visual style, to experience anxiety and frustration all the way to happiness and growth. Getting rid of this disappointing reality, viewers shall continue the “Taiwan Grand Tour” through their imagination. This program consists of four animations: "Go Go Giwas: Sowing Dream Seeds"(Directed by Vick Wang, Yi-Feng Kao), "My grandmother is an Egg"(Directed by Wu-Ching Chang),"Inside"(Directed by Yu-Ting Hsueh), and "The Wayward Kite"(Directed by Yu-Ting Hsueh). A time-limited experience and viewing of this program will be available, while giving viewers a chance to interact with the characters in the exhibitions via the AR interface.
想像力就是一種超能力,當我們能夠在想像自己置身於動畫世界之中,我們每個人就都成為了超人。而在「動畫之旅」 (Animated Tour)的展區中,觀眾在不同的類型作品中,無論是抽象或者具象的視覺風格,都能投入到角色中所感受到其中的不安與受挫,進而幸福與成長,擺脫現實世界的困頓,以想像力來持續「島嶼壯遊」 的旅程。這個展區將有四件台灣製作的動畫作品《吉娃斯愛科學特別篇:夢想的種子》:王世偉/高逸峰、《我的阿婆是一顆蛋》:張吾青、《蘊・孕》:連俊傑/李柏翰、《風箏》:薛佑廷。 本展區將提供限時體驗與觀看,並有機會在AR的介面中與各個劇中的角色互動。
👉🏻台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊 專區 http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/
✔️【食壤計畫】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl80hcdI_jY
#arselectronica21 #gardentaipeiformosa